What is Cardiac Biopsy Forceps? It is defined as a surgical device that is manufactured to be utilized throughout surgical processes for taking off tiny tissues from the heart. Applications: Cardiac Biopsy forceps are utilized also in Endomyocardial biopsy which is extensively utilized for investigation of cardiac allograft defection and for the analysis of unsolvedRead More
Aortic Punch
Aortic Punch is a device for notching, making holes in row or extracting out a part of tissue by the aorta. For numerous medical practitioners, the aortic punch is the ideal anotomical connector device. Surgical practices bestows surgeons an extensive array of aortic punches, together with a solitary aortotomy mechanism that is perfect for fabrication of the aortotomy region for vein implants. MechanismRead More
Debakey Non-traumatic Forceps
What is Debakey Forceps? Michael E. Debakey was an American Cardiologist who designed this forceps having non traumatic jaws for vascular tissue handling. The forceps has long blunt tip jaws with two rows of fine longitudinal serrations and a groove in between for better gripping. The blunt jaws and fine serration together make this forcepsRead More
Potts Scissors
What are Potts Scissors? The name Potts has been given to these scissors because they were designed by Willis J. Potts an American Pediatric Surgeon. They are also known as Potts-Smith Scissors or Potts Demartel Scissors. The blades of the scissors are usually angled at the joint (25, 45, 60 and 90 degrees) or theyRead More
Grant Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Clamp
What is Grant Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Clamp? This clamp is designed with slightly curved jaws having debakey teeth (non-traumatic serrations) and slanting shanks (Shank is the structure which connects tip of the instrument to the body of the instrument). The locking mechanism ensure firm grip on the vessel. What is its function? It is usedRead More
Zanger Abdominal Aorta Clamp
What is Zanger Abdominal Aorta Clamp? It is designed the same way as debakey abdominal aorta clamp i.e. spoon shaped tip with flat jaws having serrations but with the addition of curved shanks. Shank is basically the part of the instrument which connects shaft to the nib or blade. What is its function? It isRead More