Applications of A blood warmer: The instrument is used to keep the blood or fluids under desired warm states before to transfusion to a subject. Blood warmers are frequently utilized in emergency units, normal medicinal rooms, and intensive care cells to avoid hypothermia. The instrument keeps the blood to a desired temperature that is nontoxic for infusion.
CareFusion, Nuova, and Smiths Medical Incorporations are some of the suppliers of Blood Wamers across the globe.
American Standard: American standard defines ASTM F2172 – 02 titled as “Specification for Blood/Intravenous Fluid/Irrigation Fluid Warmers”. The purpose of these specifications is to originate necessary quality conformance requirements for blood warmers devices. The standard actually decreases or eliminates risks of damages to subject and also the medical service provider and to stipulate testing by which fulfillment of requirements can be authenticated.
FDA Requirements: 21 CFR Part 807 should be studied to submit blood warmers to FDA. This device is meant to be submitted in premarket notifications. FDA assessors usually play part in appraising submissions for blood and plasma warmers utilized in blood banks.